On the author:
I believe what other people say about you is a good idea of how you present yourself to others,
because what we think we are and how we act are not always the same thing. Thus,
I’ll quote what some people have said about me:
Está morto: podemos elogiá-lo à vontade.― Machado de Assis
Un homme sans espoir et conscient de l'être.― Albert Camus
Hail to thee, Thane of Glamis!― First Witch
Hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor!― Second Witch
Hail to thee that shalt be King hereafter!― Third Witch
Nothing ever interfered with his reading. He always had several books on hand at once.
It would be difficult to define the limits of his reading.― Blanche E.C. Dugdale
Accursed creator! Why did you form a monster so hideous that even you turned from me in disgust?― Monster
Не за бесчестие и грех я сказал это про тебя, а за великое страдание твое. А что ты великая грешница, то это так, а пуще всего, тем ты грешница, что понапрасну умертвила и предала себя.―Fyodor Dostoevsky
On this blog:
As someone who is now over 30 years old, I'm reminded of Camus words,
A trente ans, on commence à vieillir et il faut profiter de tout.
Perhaps I should follow Benedict Einarson’s advice and wait until I’m 40 years old,
but it’s questionable if I’ll have any interest of starting a blog at that age.
As for what this blog is about, I can only say that I have so many interests that I’ll just talk about everything I like.
I take Vincent Prince’s words to heart: A man who limits his interests limits his life
On this blog’s theme:
It’s based on Final Fantasy 9’s dialogue box.